Nov 15, 2024


1. **消炎作用**:有人认为牛尿具有消炎作用,可以用来治疗皮肤炎症、烧伤等。


2. **清热解毒**:在一些传统观念中,牛尿被认为有清热解毒的效果,可用于治疗感冒、发热等症状。

3. **治疗皮肤病**:有些人相信牛尿可以用来治疗皮肤病,如湿疹、皮炎等。

4. **抗病毒**:有说法认为牛尿具有一定的抗病毒作用。




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Nov 11, 2024


1. **滋阴润燥**:燕窝具有滋阴润燥的作用,而牛奶同样富含多种氨基酸和脂肪,两者结合能够更好地滋养肌肤,缓解干燥。

2. **美容养颜**:燕窝中含有的表皮生长因子(EGF)能促进细胞分裂,对皮肤有良好的修复作用,而牛奶中的维生素A和E也能帮助改善皮肤状态,达到美容养颜的效果。

3. **延缓衰老**:燕窝中的EGF能够促进细胞更新,有助于延缓皮肤衰老,而牛奶中的抗氧化物质也有助于抵抗自由基,减少衰老的迹象。

4. **增强免疫力**:燕窝富含多种氨基酸和生物活性分子,能够增强人体的免疫力,提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。牛奶中的钙和蛋白质也有助于维持免疫系统的正常运作。

5. **补钙强骨**:燕窝中含有的钙质丰富,牛奶更是钙的宝库,两者结合能够有效补充人体所需的钙质,促进骨骼健康。

6. **润肺止咳**:燕窝被认为有润肺止咳的作用,对于经常咳嗽、痰多的人群,燕窝牛奶炖品可以帮助缓解症状。

7. **补虚养胃**:牛奶炖燕窝对于脾胃虚弱、消化不良的人群有一定的辅助治疗作用。牛奶有助于促进肠胃蠕动,刺激胃酸分泌,减轻肠胃负担。

8. **安胎补胎**:对于孕妇和产后妇女,燕窝牛奶炖品被视为一种大补之品,能够帮助提高身体抵抗力,调节内分泌,促进母婴健康。

9. **促进新陈代谢**:燕窝和牛奶中的营养素有助于身体的新陈代谢,有助于毒素的排出,维持身体健康。


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Nov 9, 2024

### 药效:
1. **健脾和胃**:焦神曲能够增强脾胃功能,帮助消化。


2. **消食化积**:适用于治疗食积停滞、脘腹胀满等症状。
3. **止泻**:对于腹泻、泄利等症状有缓解作用。
4. **止痛**:对腹部胀痛、产后瘀血腹痛、小儿腹大坚积等有治疗作用。
5. **增加食欲**:有助于改善食欲不振、嗳气吞酸等症状。
6. **改善消化功能**:对于消化不良、腹胀腹痛、大便酸臭等消化系统问题有改善作用。
7. **预防痔疮**:焦神曲泡水代茶饮可以预防痔疮。



### 用途:
1. **治疗肠胃疾病**:如肠胃炎、胃肠神经官能症、肠结核、细菌性痢疾、阿米巴痢疾、过敏性肠炎等。
2. **小儿营养不良和食积**:对小儿消化不良、厌食、食积等有治疗作用。
3. **慢性胃炎和萎缩性胃炎**:可以辅助治疗慢性胃炎。
4. **其他消化系统问题**:如胸痞腹胀、呕吐泄利等。

### 使用建议:
– 服用焦神曲时应注意饮食清淡,避免辛辣刺激的食物。
– 适当进行体育锻炼,保持作息时间规律。
– 焦神曲性温,对于脾阴虚和胃火旺者应慎用。
– 使用焦神曲时最好在医生指导下进行,以确保安全和疗效。


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Nov 4, 2024


1. **利水通淋**:灯心草能够有效利水通淋,对于小便不利、淋漓涩痛等症状有显著的治疗效果。在中医临床上,它常被用于治疗淋症,即现代医学中的泌尿系统疾病,如膀胱炎、尿道炎等。

2. **清心降火**:灯心草具有清心降火的功效,适用于心火亢盛引起的症状,如心烦、失眠、口舌生疮等。它通过调节心火,达到平衡心神的效果。

3. **镇静安神**:灯心草对于神经系统的调节作用明显,能缓解心热脾寒引起的烦躁、面色青白、食欲不振等症状,对于失眠、焦虑、抑郁等不良情绪也有一定的调理作用。

4. **消炎抗病毒**:灯心草中含有多种药用成分,具有消炎抗病毒的效果。对于膀胱炎、尿道炎、肾炎水肿等疾病,灯心草能减轻症状,有助于泌尿系统健康。

5. **提高肾功能**:灯心草能够提高肾功能,防止体内多余水分淤积,对于水肿等与水液代谢有关的疾病有预防作用。

6. **治疗失眠**:灯心草对于失眠有很好的治疗作用,尤其是由心肾不交引起的失眠,与淡竹叶一起煎水饮用,可以迅速改善失眠症状。


7. **治疗小儿夜啼**:对于小儿夜啼,灯心草也有一定的治疗效果。通过熬水给宝宝洗澡,可以缓解由心热或脾寒引起的小儿夜啼。



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Nov 1, 2024

1. **补充营养**:滋养汤通常选用多种食材,如肉类、海鲜、蔬菜、药材等,这些食材富含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素和矿物质等营养成分,能够为人体提供全面的营养补充。

2. **调理身体**:滋养汤中的药材成分,如枸杞、黄芪、党参等,具有补气养血、滋阴补肾、清热解毒等功效,能够帮助调理身体机能,增强体质。

3. **增强免疫力**:滋养汤中的食材含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如维生素C、E等,以及具有免疫调节作用的成分,如多糖、多肽等,能够提高人体免疫力,预防疾病。

4. **调节肠胃功能**:滋养汤中的食材,如山药、红枣、薏米等,具有健脾益胃、润肠通便的功效,有助于改善肠胃功能,缓解便秘、腹泻等症状。


5. **润肺止咳**:滋养汤中的食材,如百合、川贝母等,具有润肺止咳、清热解毒的功效,适用于秋季干燥、咳嗽等呼吸系统疾病。

6. **安神助眠**:滋养汤中的食材,如莲子、百合等,具有安神助眠、舒缓情绪的功效,有助于改善睡眠质量,缓解压力。

7. **美容养颜**:滋养汤中的食材,如枸杞、红枣、银耳等,具有美容养颜、抗衰老的功效,有助于改善肤色、延缓皮肤衰老。

8. **促进新陈代谢**:滋养汤中的食材,如海带、紫菜等,具有利尿消肿、促进新陈代谢的功效,有助于减肥、排毒。

9. **改善心血管健康**:滋养汤中的食材,如鱼类、豆类等,富含不饱和脂肪酸、蛋白质等成分,有助于降低胆固醇、改善心血管健康。

10. **适合不同人群**:滋养汤可以根据个人体质和需求进行调配,适合各个年龄段、不同体质的人群食用,具有广泛的适用性。


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Oct 28, 2024

1. **药理作用**:
– **活血化瘀**:消栓胶囊中的某些成分可能具有活血化瘀的作用,可以促进血液循环,减少血栓的形成。
– **溶栓**:一些成分可能具有溶栓作用,能够溶解已经形成的血栓,从而改善血流,减轻因血栓导致的组织缺血和损伤。
– **改善脑部血液循环**:通过改善血液循环,消栓胶囊可能有助于减轻脑梗死后遗症,如言语不清、肢体麻木等。

2. **临床效果**:
– 消栓胶囊在临床上被用于治疗急性脑梗死,有一定的疗效。然而,其效果可能与个体差异、病情严重程度以及治疗方案等多种因素相关。


– 相比于阿司匹林和波立维等西药,消栓胶囊的疗效可能需要更长的时间来体现。


3. **副作用**:
– 消栓胶囊的副作用相对较少,但并不代表没有。可能包括过敏反应、胃肠道不适等。
– 使用前应仔细阅读说明书,并在医生指导下使用。

4. **与其他药物的对比**:
– 阿司匹林和波立维是治疗血栓形成的常用药物,它们具有明确的溶栓和抗血小板聚集作用。
– 相比之下,消栓胶囊的疗效和副作用尚需进一步研究和证实。
– 在选择治疗方案时,医生会根据患者的具体情况和药物特点综合考虑。

5. **国家药监局认证**:
– 消栓胶囊是否得到国家药监局认证,需要查阅相关资料。一般来说,获得认证的药物在安全性、有效性方面都有一定的保证。


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Oct 22, 2024

1. **丰富的碘含量**:海带中含有丰富的碘,这是人体必需的微量元素,对于维持甲状腺的正常功能至关重要。碘缺乏可能导致甲状腺肿大(俗称“粗脖子病”)和其他甲状腺相关疾病。

2. **促进新陈代谢**:海带中含有的尼克酸(维生素B3)有助于人体新陈代谢,可以增强能量水平和促进身体健康。


3. **降低血压**:海带中的钾盐和钙元素有助于降低血压,适合高血压患者食用。

4. **减少心脏脂肪**:海带的多种矿物质和微量元素能帮助脂肪在皮下和肌肉组织中蓄积,减少心脏、血管和肠膜上的脂肪积累。

5. **促进胆固醇排泄**:海带含有大量的不饱和脂肪酸和食物纤维,可以清除血管壁上的胆固醇,有助于维持心血管健康。

6. **增强免疫力**:海带可以提高机体的体液免疫和细胞免疫,有助于抵抗疾病。

7. **防癌作用**:海带中含有的硒等抗癌元素,具有预防癌症的作用。

8. **降低血糖**:海带中的岩藻多糖是极好的食物纤维,有助于糖尿病患者控制血糖。

9. **降低血压和利尿消肿**:海带中的甘露醇具有降低血压、利尿和消肿的作用。

10. **补充钙质**:海带的钙含量丰富,有助于预防骨质疏松症。

11. **护发**:海带中的碘和其他营养素有助于头发的生长、滋润和亮泽。

12. **祛痰**:海带性寒,具有消痰软坚、利水消肿的功效,可用于治疗慢性支气管炎、哮喘等疾病。


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Oct 19, 2024


1. **增强免疫力**:海参中含有丰富的抗氧化物质和活性肽,这些成分能够提高人体免疫力,促进细胞修复和再生,预防和缓解疾病。

2. **促进血液循环**:海参中的活性肽有助于降低血液黏稠度,促进血液循环。同时,海参含有的铁质有助于合成血红蛋白,增加血红蛋白的含量,改善贫血状况。

3. **滋养肌肤**:海参含有丰富的胶原蛋白和弹力蛋白,有助于保持肌肤弹性和紧致,减少皱纹的产生,同时改善肌肤干燥和粗糙的问题。

4. **强壮骨骼**:海参中富含钙、磷、锌等矿物质,这些元素是维持骨骼健康所必需的,有助于增加骨密度。

5. **缓解疲劳**:海参中的酸性粘多糖和精氨酸具有显著的机体调整作用和缓解疲劳功效。海参还含有维生素B3、赖氨酸、钾、镍等营养元素,能迅速缓解疲劳,调整中枢神经系统。

6. **防止心血管疾病**:海参中的岩藻多糖具有降低血脂、抑制血液凝固的作用,对于高血压、高血脂、冠心病、肝炎病人及中老年人长期服用海参,对减轻症状和医治有显著效果。

7. **调整血糖值**:海参中的酸性粘多糖能够在机体中降低血糖特异性,抑制糖尿病产生的功效。海参含有的钾对机体中胰岛素的代谢起着关键作用,含有的钒可预防糖尿病。

8. **防癌抗癌**:海参中的皂甙具有抑制肿瘤的作用,提升机体体细胞免疫能力,抑制一些肿瘤的生长发育和迁移。海参中的硒也能抑制肿瘤细胞。


9. **滋阴补血**:海参适合男女老少各类人群,特别是对女性和孕妇有很好的滋补效果,能够滋阴补血,健阳润燥,调经,养胎,利产。

10. **补肾壮阳**:海参具有补肾益精,壮阳疗痿的功效,适合男士食用。


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Jul 11, 2024
This shouting and killing broke through the sky, and even those people who were watching from one side couldn’t help but be silenced. At this moment, the crowd became quiet because Shi Min wanted to engage in this more than a dozen Zhao pawn military methods.

Shi Min added, "Do you know what military orders they have violated me? I have ordered it more than once! Make repeated demands on the soldiers! Order you not to kill the koo and rape the woman! You moved the people from those places, but how did they do it? "
"To my military orders part! Their hands are stained with the blood of the ancient people! They raped Gu Liang’s daughter! These are all things I can’t stand! It is also unbearable for our Han army military law! "
Speaking of which, Shi Min scanned the platform for more than a dozen Zhao pawn figures. "I know that there are still many rapists among you who have not been found out! Thirteen of them were unlucky and I caught them red-handed! I would never, bending the law! But those of you who have done such a thing don’t have to be lucky! "
Shi Min head high way "now I count to ten! Have done rape * * killing people here or an insider, come out immediately! Otherwise! I found out that I didn’t admit that my crimes were all beheaded, and those who knew it and didn’t report it were guilty of the same crime! "
Shi Min’s words immediately caused an uproar when they appeared on the scene.
You should know that the military system of Jie Zhao is a mixture of Hu Han.
Five men, five men, ten captains, ten men, ten captains, fifty men, one song, one capital, one canal, a centurion, five hundred men, one captain, five thousand captains, one army, ten thousand generals (miscellaneous generals) and ten thousand generals or commanders.
Now Shi Min is so cruel to implicate Koo?
Uh, well, it’s actually nothing. After all, you must know what a comrade-in-arms Wu did, because in wartime, a comrade-in-arms Wu rarely divided his base, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and he would be inseparable.
And it is a sin not to report it!
Shi Min haven’t points but narrowing her eyes, "men! I know most of you are good, but there are a few soldiers who are like animals! Those who have committed adultery and murdered women and those who know better come out at once! Don’t take any chances. Every time you retreat to camp, it is recorded! Come out if you are a hero! "
"one!" Shi Min turned around and the horse shouted.
"two!" The Zhao phalanx is in chaos.
"three!" A Zhao pawn came out dejectedly.
"four!" Three or four Zhao pawns shrugged their heads like frost and eggplant, and when they reached that high table, they dared not look up, which was obviously a shame.
"five!" More Zhao pawn came out.
"six!" The original was still in the heart, and Zhao pawn was frightened and collapsed. They bit their teeth and finally went out.
At this time, there is no movement in the Zhao phalanx, as if all the criminals have run out.
Hesitated for a few Zhao pawn immediately pushed his comrades around him out. Who knows that Zhao pawn also wanted to resist? Immediately, several Shi Min pro-guards came and pressed him to the ground and could not move.
More Zhao pawn was pushed out.
It’s better for you to die alone than for everyone else, right? They don’t want to be buried with a devil wears prada!
When Shi Min shouted ten times, he turned around and then saw the crowded scene of the high platform.
How many of these women who have committed adultery and killed Zhao Zhao?
Not less than one hundred! That’s terrible!
Shi Min sink a way "good! Now that you have generously admitted your crimes, you dare to come out and say that you are a Han! You still have a little conscience! But admitting mistakes does not mean that you will be forgiven! If you can be forgiven if you admit your mistake, won’t all murderers be punished? "
"Department beheaded!"
Suddenly, a group of Zhao pawns jumped on those Zhao pawns who had made a big mistake and were ready to split their necks with swords.
"Wait a minute!"
Suddenly a Zhao pawn heart has struggled up unwilling to call way
Shi Min said I frowned. "What do you have to say? !”
"general! I don’t! I am not reconciled! "
"say it!"
The Zhao pawn shouted discontentedly, "General, I know that it is culpable of punishment for us to be beheaded by military law for violating your military orders! But the law doesn’t blame everyone. How can you kill several Jin people and rape several Jin women and then kill us? !”
Smell speech Shi Min couldn’t help laughing at a "law does not blame the public in my here no matter! Don’t say it’s a hundred of you, even a thousand soldiers! I’ll kill it, too! The dignity of military law is inviolable! "
The Zhao pawn shouted again.
"We are all generals. You fought bloody battles on the battlefield! We are meritorious people! And now the country is an interpersonal general. Is it really worthwhile for you to kill us all like this? "
"Is! General, how many soldiers will be chilling if you do this! "
"We killed just a few mobs! It’s just adultery with several Jin women! Must be so severely punished? !”
"general! We don’t! Look at the soldiers of other ministries. They raped and plundered evil in Hanshui area. What they do is much more wicked than us! If you have a bad heart, you will kill and vent your anger! They raped more women! Take the girl and be roasted to eat! No one is not raped! "
A listen to this Shi Min immediately furious tunnel "that’s enough! Other ministries are other ministries. I don’t care! But you are my Shimin department! They are not as good as Hu Lu. Are you not as good as people? Are you even worse than dogs? !”
Shi Min’s binge drinking really freaked out those chatterboxes who still want to argue about Zhao’s death.
Shi Min surly drink a way "ask yourself a! Which one of you has no parents, wife and children? There is no family? What would you think if one day a gang of robbers rushed into your house and raped, robbed and killed your father, son and brother and raped your mother, wife, daughter and sister? What will happen to you? "
"Don’t tell me what this is the victor! You don’t deserve soldiers since you killed unarmed civilians! Since you raped a woman, you are not worthy of a person! People’s hearts are long! "
"Do you want to rape and plunder evil like other ministries Zhao? If so, get out of here! I don’t need such soldiers! They do this, and you learn to do it. Do you still have to learn to eat shit when they eat shit? !”
Smell speech those who were pinned Zhao pawn are silent with their heads down.
Suddenly, a bloody Zhao pawn held his head high and said, "Kill and kill!" Have a good time! Men are afraid of death? Come on! However, after ten years, Bowl Scar is always a hero! "
I appreciate this Zhao Zushi Min.
However, appreciation belongs to appreciation of the killing or killing. It’s not while I’m right. Shi Min, with a wave of his hand, immediately raised more than 100 executioners’ hands and chopped them with a shiny sword!
"Shua" a Zhao pawn has his head on the ground, but there is a Zhao pawn, but his neck is bleeding like a note.
Obviously, the sword that cut his head was too blunt and not sharp enough, or the neck bone of Zhao pawn was too hard to cut.
But one sword can’t kill him. No, there’s a second sword on his head
And this head rolling scene, Zhao soldiers couldn’t help lowering their heads, and some sadness raised a sense of used rabbit and used rabbit in their hearts.
And Shi Min face the same.
Yu has been watching the people all the time, but he wants to clap his hands and applaud, but he dare not look at his heart and call him happy!

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Jul 11, 2024
Six girls [elsa] took the lead in saying.

"I don’t have anything I need."
"It’s just that I’m a little worried about what our heirs should do to be born …"
"Pure blood [abyss demon]?"
"Pure blood [higher human]?"
"Pure blood [high elf]?"
"Or [hybrid]?"
And more than five women on the one hand, it is also quite agree nodded his head.
Now, although they have already "demonized" their own blood.
But it’s still not a purebred [Abyss Devil] but a demonized creature.
Because of the differences between [father], [mother], [race] and [blood], they are also worried about the birth situation of their children and have different ideas …
Generate pure blood [abyss demon]?
Although it has high potential, it is likely that bloodthirsty people are born with the need to treat mental illness as soon as possible.
Generate pure blood [higher humans] [higher elves]?
The potential in the multiverse is also considerable. Although the mental state of the two is much stronger than that of the abyss demon, there are still many problems, such as the source of the concept of race, such as the owner … which is very difficult to solve.
Once the physiognomy is born, Olga must find a way to get an [independent certificate] for his heirs, otherwise the whole generation will be attached to the physiognomy …
When I married my wives, I got an independent certificate.
Olga also paid a lot of money to those …
That is definitely one of the few times when Olga can take the initiative to recognize the planting by holding her nose.
Even [Greer] they were impressed.
In [hybrid], although there will be various advantages of both sides, there will also be various disadvantages of both sides.
There are advantages and disadvantages, which makes it very difficult …
And hearing this worry
And feeling the sight of six women looking over at the same time
Olga immediately got a little egg pain …
That kind of feeling is the same as that of an ordinary man who hears his wife talking about his children’s future education, education and life problems.
To tell the truth, this is really a difficult problem.
Compared to thinking about this kind of thing
He prefers to find a strong man to fight a pain …
But in the face of those eyes, he can finally crustily skin of head replied.
"I think …"
"Maybe we can consider drawing a lot?"
Such a genius reply
Let [Greer] they also immediately fell into unspeakable silence.
If Olga answers casually, that’s all.
But they really feel that the other person really thinks and acts like this [possibility] …
"… come on, you’d better think about it …"
"This kind of thing decisively can’t rely on you …"
In the face of his bad ideas, just like all kinds of husbands rejected by their wives, Olga was immediately struck out …
Beautiful plane-crimson dominates
Chapter 1417 【 sandman 】
[Beautiful plane]
It’s since [OAA] Olga learned his own information here, which is often broadcast in the unpretentious form of American cartoons.
She also simply called herself a beautiful plane.
Very concise and accurate!
of course
All this is just a code name, and it has no deep meaning.
Besides making it easier for outsiders to distinguish, there is no actual egg.
If you want to
Even if it is called "Plane A", "I want to eat a personal plane" and "One-stop plane for massage and chicken", there is no problem.
Be the ruler here
Don’t get any feelings [OAA]
Do you pay attention to the so-called listening?
The situation where information is flow out at will.
Just as Olga didn’t want his name to be broadcast.
[OAA] also doesn’t care much about these urgent things.
Occasionally, I will catch some travelers who know some information from him and throw them into my own territory to watch them perform all kinds of unique skills.
From time to time, the information that flows out will lead to more "secondary time", which is equivalent to the "peer" and "beggar’s beauty plane" here
After the self-developed [peers] are collected,
Every three to five [OAA] will still have some good gains.
Generally speaking,
Up to now, [OAA] is quite satisfied with the situation.
Looking at the past, the bubble-like [semi-independent time polymer] in the marginal [time territory] of the [OAA] body is being connected in series by one color river after another to form a wonderful state of mutual connection but no practical communication.
Olga is located in many areas of the current [plane] site, which is called [crimson dimension] and [special time], and it is here that several colored rivers are regarded as a node that is constantly linked.
The Ministry’s restrictions expand the territory
The whole crimson dimension is divided into several different regions.
The whole structure is like a gem with a limited cut surface.
In every area
Olga’s "doppelganger" will insert a "secondary doppelganger" into it, which corresponds to the strips respectively. There are colored rivers connected in series here, that is, those "crimson dimensions" linked with "time polymers"
Some structures of "time polymer" are in line with Marvel Comics’s world outlook, DC’s world outlook, and all kinds of "superheroes" and "super villains" are just like the poles of good and evil.

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