Nov 14, 2024

1. **补充身体营养**:牛奶和鸡蛋都是营养丰富的食品。牛奶富含蛋白质、钙、维生素D等营养成分,而鸡蛋则含有高质量的蛋白质、维生素B群、矿物质和氨基酸。二者结合食用,可以有效补充身体所需的多种营养素,预防营养不良。

2. **增强免疫力**:牛奶和鸡蛋中的营养素有助于提高身体的免疫力,降低患病风险。特别是对于免疫力较弱的人群,如老年人、儿童和病后恢复期的患者,这种炖品可以增强体质。

3. **保护骨骼**:牛奶和鸡蛋都是钙的良好来源,有助于维持骨骼健康,预防骨质疏松。这对孕妇、老年人以及需要增强骨骼健康的儿童尤为重要。

4. **滋补气血**:牛奶和鸡蛋都有助于滋补气血,对改善体质、增强体力有积极作用。

5. **促进消化吸收**:牛奶和鸡蛋炖品易于消化,适合消化系统较弱的人群,如老人和小孩。同时,牛奶对胃粘膜有保护作用,对于胃部不适的人也有一定的缓解作用。

6. **辅助治疗**:牛奶鸡蛋炖品对于病后恢复、术后调养等有一定的辅助治疗作用。



– 蛋白质过敏者:应避免食用,以防过敏反应。
– 胆固醇较高者:由于鸡蛋含有一定量的胆固醇,应适量食用。
– 消化功能不佳者:对于消化系统功能较弱的人群,应适量食用,避免过量。


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Nov 10, 2024

1. **补肝益肾:** 熟地具有补肝肾的作用,适用于肝肾阴虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状。
2. **滋补阴血:** 熟地能够滋阴补血,对于血虚引起的面色苍白、头晕目眩、心悸失眠等有缓解作用。


3. **益精填髓:** 熟地有助于增强骨髓功能,对提高免疫力、延缓衰老有一定的帮助。
4. **改善月经不调:** 对于肝肾亏虚引起的月经不调,熟地有调节作用。

– 肝肾阴虚者,如腰膝酸软、潮热盗汗、头晕耳鸣等。
– 血虚体质者,如面色苍白、心悸失眠等。
– 月经不调者,如经量少、色淡等。

– 适量使用熟地可以帮助滋补身体,增强体质。


– 在医生指导下,可用于中医食疗或药膳中。

1. **过量使用:** 熟地性质滋腻,过量使用可能导致脾胃虚弱,出现消化不良、腹泻等症状。
2. **脾胃虚弱者:** 脾胃虚弱者应慎用,因为熟地可能加重脾胃负担。
3. **湿盛或痰湿内阻者:** 湿盛或痰湿内阻者使用熟地可能会加重病情。
4. **孕妇:** 孕妇应慎用,以免影响胎儿。
5. **服药期间饮食忌讳:** 服药期间应避免食用辛辣、油腻、生冷等刺激性食物。


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Nov 5, 2024

### 灵芝孢子粉的功效:

1. **增强免疫力**:灵芝孢子粉具有调节和激活免疫系统的功能,能显著提高机体的免疫功能,增强患者自身的抗癌能力。

2. **辅助肿瘤治疗**:对于肿瘤患者,灵芝孢子粉可以促进白细胞介素-2的生成,提升人体的造血能力,并抑制肿瘤细胞。

3. **保肝解毒**:灵芝孢子粉对多种理化及生物因素引起的肝损伤有保护作用,能促进肝脏对药物、毒物的代谢,减轻肝损伤。

4. **保护心血管系统**:对于高血脂病患者,灵芝孢子粉能降低血胆固醇,保护心血管系统。


5. **调节中枢神经系统**:适量的食用灵芝孢子粉,有助于调节中枢神经系统,改善神经衰弱等症状。


6. **其他保健作用**:包括降低血糖、改善心血管疾病、抗疲劳、延缓衰老等。

### 灵芝孢子粉的影响:

1. **安全性**:灵芝孢子粉属于温和的保健品,一般不会对健康人造成不良影响。

2. **月经影响**:灵芝孢子粉对女性的月经没有影响,不会对月经周期产生副作用。

3. **适宜人群**:适用于体质虚弱、免疫力低下、肿瘤患者、肝病患者、心血管疾病患者等。

4. **过量食用**:虽然灵芝孢子粉具有多种保健作用,但过量食用可能会对身体产生不良影响。

5. **注意事项**:在食用灵芝孢子粉期间,应注意避免与刺激性食物同食,如辣椒等。

6. **个体差异**:不同人的体质和需求不同,因此食用量应根据个人情况进行调整。


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Nov 2, 2024


1. **丰富的维生素**:火参果富含维生素C、维生素B、维生素A等多种维生素,这些维生素对于维持身体健康、增强免疫力、促进新陈代谢和细胞修复等方面都有重要作用。

2. **矿物质含量高**:火参果含有钾、镁、钙、锌、铁等多种矿物质。其中,钾有助于维持心脏健康和调节血压;镁有助于缓解压力和改善睡眠;钙是骨骼和牙齿健康的关键元素;锌对免疫系统、伤口愈合和细胞分裂都至关重要;铁则有助于预防和治疗贫血。

3. **花青素**:火参果中含有丰富的花青素,这是一种强效的抗氧化剂,可以清除体内的自由基,抵抗衰老,预防心血管疾病和某些癌症。

4. **植物纤维**:火参果含有大量的植物纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能,预防便秘,并且有助于降低胆固醇。

5. **美容养颜**:火参果中的维生素C和花青素对皮肤健康大有裨益,可以帮助美白肌肤,减少皮肤损伤,提高皮肤弹性。

6. **清热去火**:火参果属于凉性水果,适合那些体内有火气、肝火旺盛的人群食用,有助于清热去火。


7. **促进消化**:火参果中的植物纤维可以促进肠胃蠕动,有助于消化,减少油腻食物对肠胃的负担。

8. **益智健脑**:火参果中含有的矿物质如锌、钙等,对于大脑发育和认知功能有积极作用。

9. **其他功效**:火参果还具有抗衰老、抗肿瘤、降低血糖、稳定血压、提高免疫功能和增白美容等功效。


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Oct 26, 2024


1. **清热解毒**:根据我国传统医学,海蜇具有清热解毒的功效,适用于治疗多种热毒性疾病。
2. **化痰软坚**:中医认为海蜇可以用于治疗痰多、哮喘等症状。
3. **降压消肿**:海蜇被认为可以降低血压,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。
4. **清肺**:海蜇中的成分有助于清理肺部,对呼吸系统疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。
5. **健脾和胃**:海蜇中的营养物质有助于改善消化系统的功能。



1. **高蛋白**:海蜇是一种高蛋白、低脂肪、低热量的食品,对于需要控制体重的人群来说是一个不错的选择。
2. **矿物质丰富**:海蜇中含有丰富的矿物质,如钙、镁等,有助于维持人体的正常生理功能。
3. **维生素含量**:海蜇中还含有多种维生素,有助于增强身体的免疫力。


1. **清洗**:海蜇在食用前需要彻底清洗,去除杂质和细菌。
2. **高温处理**:为了确保安全,海蜇需要经过高温蒸煮处理。
3. **过敏体质者**:过敏体质的人应避免食用海蜇,以防过敏反应。
4. **控制量**:虽然海蜇有很多好处,但过量食用也可能导致不良反应,因此建议适量食用。


1. **多痰、哮喘、高血压、胃溃疡等患者**:海蜇对这些疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。
2. **需要控制体重的人群**:海蜇低脂肪、低热量的特性使其成为减肥人群的理想食品。
3. **需要补充蛋白质和矿物质的人群**:海蜇是富含蛋白质和矿物质的良好来源。


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Oct 25, 2024

1. **营养价值丰富**:海葵含有50多种人体必需的营养成分,这些营养成分对于维持人体健康具有重要作用。

2. **镇静止咳**:海葵具有镇静止咳的功效,对于缓解咳嗽症状有一定的帮助。


3. **降血压**:适量食用海葵有助于降低血压,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **促进细胞再生与修复**:海葵中的某些成分能够促进细胞的再生和修复,有助于身体组织的修复。

5. **消除疲劳**:长期食用海葵可以帮助消除疲劳,使人精力充沛。

6. **滋阴壮阳**:海葵具有滋阴壮阳的功效,对于肾虚引起的阳痿早泄、遗精腰膝酸软、神疲乏力等症状有一定的改善作用。

7. **提高免疫力**:海葵能够辅助提高身体的免疫力,增强人体对疾病的抵抗力。

8. **治疗风湿性关节炎**:海葵入药可用于治疗风湿性关节炎,对缓解关节疼痛有一定的效果。

9. **促进儿童生长发育**:海葵中的尼克酸、牛磺酸等成分有助于促进儿童的生长发育。

10. **调节神经系统功能**:海葵中的某些成分能够调节人体的神经系统功能,有助于神经系统的健康。

11. **促进伤口愈合**:海葵有助于促进伤口的愈合,对于术后恢复有一定的辅助作用。

12. **抗癌作用**:现代研究表明,海葵毒素可有效抑制腹水癌细胞的生长,对癌症患者有一定的治疗辅助作用。


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Oct 20, 2024

### 营养价值:


1. **高蛋白质含量**:海参富含高质量的蛋白质,是人体必需氨基酸的良好来源,尤其含有精氨酸、赖氨酸等对人体有益的氨基酸。

2. **胶原蛋白**:海参中的胶原蛋白含量丰富,对于皮肤健康、延缓衰老、增加肌肤弹性和紧致度有积极作用。


3. **多种维生素和矿物质**:海参含有多种维生素(如维生素A、B群等)和矿物质(如钙、锌、硒、铁等),对骨骼健康、免疫系统、血液循环等生理功能至关重要。

4. **低脂肪、低胆固醇**:海参的脂肪和胆固醇含量较低,是心血管健康饮食的良好选择。

5. **特殊活性物质**:海参含有酸性粘多糖、海参素等特殊活性物质,具有抗炎、抗真菌、调节免疫等功能。

6. **DHA**:海参中含有丰富的DHA,对胎儿脑细胞发育、提高记忆力和智商有裨益。

### 功效:

1. **补肾益精**:海参被认为具有补肾益精的功效,对改善性功能障碍、增强性欲有积极作用。

2. **心血管健康**:海参中的岩藻多糖等成分具有降血脂、抑制血液凝结的作用,有助于预防心血管疾病。

3. **增强免疫力**:海参中的皂甙和氨基酸能增强免疫力,有助于抵抗疾病。

4. **延缓衰老**:海参中的胶原蛋白和抗氧化物质有助于延缓衰老过程。

5. **改善记忆力和睡眠质量**:海参中的营养成分对改善记忆力和提高睡眠质量有一定帮助。

6. **抗炎和抗真菌**:海参中的活性物质具有抗炎和抗真菌作用,对关节炎、皮肤感染等疾病有辅助治疗作用。

7. **助消化**:海参中的特殊成分有助于改善消化系统功能。

8. **促进骨骼健康**:海参中的矿物质对骨骼健康有益。


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Jul 12, 2024

Shi Min paused and then said, "Your Majesty, calm down, minister Dong Shi and his wife are deeply in love, and the matter of concubinage is decided by my humble jing."
"Cut the crap!" Shi Hu said with a black face, "I tell you that you have to marry Shi Lan!"
At this moment, Shi Lan suddenly got up beside Shi Min and stared angrily. "Since Wu ‘an Hou intends to marry his daughter, let it go!"! Anyway, it’s not like my daughter can’t get married! Just don’t marry after the big deal! "
"You give me a seat! There is no place for you to speak here! " Shi Hu took a console table and roared, "Shi Lan has turned against you. This marriage event is a matchmaker. Can you decide your parents’ lives by yourself?"
Shi Min couldn’t help sitting up when he looked at Shi Lan’s pale face. "Calm down, your majesty!"
Looked at Shi Hu cold snorted and said, "Spine slave, you must give me a statement today! What’s wrong with my daughter? "
"No than no" Shi Min said with a wry smile "but I have a heart! Dong Shi has been a childhood sweetheart since childhood, and his identity and appearance are naturally incomparable. "
"So I order you to divorce Dong Shi and let me Shi Lan be your wife?"
Shi Min heart jump so fear tunnel "king, you still kill me! If you let me divorce Dong Shi and Dong Shi, you will commit suicide! If Dong Shi dies, I don’t want to live in the world. "
"What a lover!"
Shi Hu scornfully sneered and said, "You almost touched me! But Spiny slave, are you really afraid to kill you? Hmm? !”
Shi Min pestle was silent there.
At this time, I have been watching Yiyang Gong Shijian and saw Shi Min so unappreciative that I got up and yelled at a "spiny slave! How can you be so ignorant? Dong Shi is just a humble Chinese woman like Peter Shi Lan? ! Why don’t you be white when father speaks so highly of you? Don’t be quick to admit your mistake and take a break. Dong Shi married Shi Lan! "
Shi Min smell speech head high was determined to throw a tunnel "king minister would rather die than take off Dong Shi! You can’t abandon your wife! Your Majesty, if you insist on forcing me to divorce my wife, then I am willing to die! "
Hear this Shi Hu couldn’t help stare big eyes binge drinking a "Shi Min! How dare you! How dare you threaten me like this? !”
"dare not"
"I ask you again, why don’t you stop Dong Shi?"
"I only want to die!"
Looking at Shi Min with a face of refusal, Shi Hu immediately became angry and angry. The whole person looked at Shi Min with anger like a man-eating beast.
"hmm? !”
Shi Min Shi Hu eyes looked at each other and never retreated.
Looking at Shi Min being so silly, Shi Jian was very angry.
In Shi Jian’s impression, Shi Min is not such an impulsive person who does things without considering the consequences! Just a Chinese girl, not just a wife!
What a bad wife can’t be abandoned is bullshit in Shi Jian’s view
Don’t Shi Min know that his future will be limited when he marries Princess Shi Lan, the wife of Changping? If Shi Hu became emperor after he ascended the throne, Shi Jian can guarantee that Shi Min and Shi Hu will be able to rise to the top of the world and finally worship the king!
What Shi Min has done is really puzzling.
But the thought of Shi Min being so powerful that he had to rely on him, so Shi Jian had to bite the bullet and come out. "Father, please calm down. It’s not intentional to offend you. He was impulsive …"
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Shi Jian’s words haven’t finished yet, Shi Hu gave a burst of laughter, and the sound was as loud as dragons and tigers.
"good! OK! It’ s worthy of being a slave! "
Shi Hu also said that he usually likes to say that phrase to Shi Min.
Shi Hu looked at Shi Min’s resolute face and nodded with satisfaction and said, "I really didn’t read you wrong. You are good! How many men are trapped in the world like you? You Shi Lan is definitely a good match. "
"The king is ridiculous." Seeing that he bet on Shi Min, he lowered his hand toward Shi Hu.
Shi Hu said with a smile, "Spine slave, it’s commendable that you can stick to your bottom line, be brave and be faithful to your wife Dong Shi! What’s worse, Dong Shi is like this. It’s our two generations! "
"Spine slaves are loyal to me!"
On one side, Yiyang Gong Shijian heard the news and hurried out to make a circle field. "What my father said is that the old Chinese saying goes, cultivate one’s morality, put one’s house in order, govern the country and be peaceful! Now the spiny slave has been self-disciplined and married by the king, and he has been treated by his father and your favor to rule the country! "
Shi Jian This is urging Shi Hu to give Shi Min more strength.
But Shi Hu still smiling "that’s right! Spine slave I don’t force you to take off Dong Shi and marry Shi Lan’s wife, Shi Lan, and then you can make his flat wife. "
"Spine slave is not quick to give thanks?" Shi Jian urged the way
Shi Min got a concession from Shi Hu this time and didn’t dare to refuse. "It’s a great honor for your majesty to marry Princess Changping, but how can Princess Changping be committed to a flat wife?"
Shi Hu nodded when he saw Shi Min softening, and then asked Shi Lan, "What do you think of Shi Lan?"
Smell speech in the mind has always been a chuai chuai uneasy Shi Lan simply can’t resist Shi Hu will so he can nod "daughter is willing to".
Shi Hu smiling tunnel "spine slave next month you are not going to marry a marriage? I don’t think it’s as good as this. yes man, you will marry the two women together! "
"King Xie!" Shi Min immediately thank humbly way
Chapter 5 Secret talk in the account
Shi Min went back to his bedroom account after the banquet dispersed, and he was still able to sleep. When he watched it with the light, he saw Yiyang Gong Shijian sneaking in as if he had a guilty conscience.
Seeing this, Shi Min couldn’t help laughing. "Why did you come to my house and sneak around? Are you so worried about being known? "
"Spine slave, you don’t know."
Shi Jian didn’t mention it at all. He sat cross-legged on the seat opposite Shi Min, then picked up the kettle, poured a glass of water and gulped it down. Then he said, "Now you are the toast of my father, and there are so few famous people in Zhao Guo! I don’t know how many people want to curry favor with you. "
"Although my father didn’t order the Jura clique to win over the civil and military ministers of the DPRK, I only know that he certainly doesn’t like you very much in his heart, especially your spiny slave father, who values you very much now!"
Wen Yan Shi Min squinted and said, "I’m afraid it’s not such a thing to visit the temple late at night?"
"Everything is really from you" Shi Jian took a glance at Shi Min and asked "Spine slave orphan really can’t understand that you don’t want to take off Dong Shi and marry Shi Lan’s wife before brushing your father’s face? I believe that you should know how much benefit it is for you to marry a father and daughter. "
"Temple, you should know that some things can be measured not by interests" Shi Min light way.
Shi Jian smell speech and looked at Shi Min several eyes couldn’t help shaking his head. "I still can’t see through you, but fortunately, you have finished your father’s letter. I believe that in the future, my father will be proclaimed himself a spiny slave, and you will be able to rise to the top and worship the king! When the time comes, I will ask you to bring a lot! "

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Jul 10, 2024
Sun Hao did not find much abnormality when he swept the icicles.

After the explanation of the summer rain, Sun Hao found the problem. There are some very small filaments in this icicle, which are generally vertical lines, which means that this icicle has become very brittle and can’t stand the heavy pressure and is easy to break.
Chapter DiYiSanEr ice silkworm blame
There are many icicles in Tianzhu in the extreme north.
Many icicles, like giant trees in the jungle, support the extreme northern Tianzhu
Icicle fracture is not only shaking the roots of Tianzhu in the extreme north, but also a great threat to the mainland.
Data of Yundian of the Soul: Once the extreme north collapses and the ice peak falls, the whole continent will be flooded, and at least 30% of the land will be melted by the Xuan Bing water and submerged in the Wang Yang.
This is still a record.
Actually, Sun Hao knows that once the Tianzhu in the extreme north is destroyed, the mainland will lose its four-pillar balance and the inferno will be able to truly come to this world. At that time, it will really be a disaster.
After observing for a long time, Sun Hao couldn’t find the cause of icicles’ problems.
The gods swept and swept to remove the smell of Xuan Bing or Xuan Bing, except for the cold or the cold, but there were cracks in the icicles that were invisible to the naked eye.
Sun Hao doesn’t know what this is either.
Xia Qingyu has been here for several months and failed to find the root of the problem. He Sun Hao Sun Chenxiang is not a man of god and can’t see through the problem at a glance.
However, Sun Hao always feels that there is something wrong with it, as if he has neglected something, but it is difficult to find clues in it when he thinks seriously.
After half a ring, Sun Haokou said, "I can’t find something strange in the crack of light rain at all, and I need to observe it carefully."
A glimmer of disappointment flashed in Xue Jie’s dream, and she muttered, "I’m still beyond the reach of Lord Aquilaria. There’s nothing I can do!"
Elder Bai hit her on the head. "You put your agarwood with three heads and six arms!"
Zhu Pang muttered, "You really didn’t say anything wrong. Aquilaria is really superhuman powers."
Sun Hao’s heart turned to Xia Qingyu and said softly, "Don’t worry, Xiao Yu, take me to see those broken icicles."
Xia Qingyu nodded "good" and showed his arms. The icicle flew in the jungle and soon came to a broken icicle.
This icicle can’t stand the heavy pressure. It has broken a half icicle and set up the ice surface of Xuan Bing.
Sun Hao leaned over to observe the fracture carefully and found nothing.
There is nothing valuable to discover that there is nothing but ice cold in Fang Xuan Bing when the open gods explore the ice surface along the icicles.
However, Sun Hao did find some bubbles that were not very large and irregular when the icicles were deep in the ice.
It is not surprising that such holes and bubbles are common in Xuan Bing.
There is no foreign body in it, which means that the broken icicle gives Sun Hao the feeling that it is a natural fracture, as if the ear of wheat fell naturally when it was ripe.
But Sun Haoke was sure it wasn’t.
Corleone can be sure that this is the inferno means that he has not found the reason now.
The fracture is about to break, and there are not many icicles found
Sun Hao thought about it and found an icicle with no problem. Observe it carefully.
There is no problem that icicles are crystal clear and integrated, and they are strong and graceful in the knowledge. Of course, the breath is as cold as ever.
These icicles were all overcome by the freezing cold in Xuan Bing in ten thousand years.
After careful exploration, there is still no discovery.
Sun Hao looked at Sun Hao and explored icicles very intently. Xia Qingyu sighed and said, "The tiny cracks in icicles that are hard to see with the naked eye spread like silk threads, and finally formed a spider web and destroyed the icicles. We can’t find the reason why we can’t do anything …"
Sun Hao made a gesture with a slight hand in his heart "Xiao Yu, what did you just say? Say it again? "
Xia Qingyu looked at Sun Hao and said, "I mean, those cracks will gradually spread like silk threads to form cobwebs and destroy icicles. Why? Little Hao Ge, what’s wrong with me? "
Sun Hao tilted his head and thought about it. He said, "By the way, now that you mention it, I’d like to remember that when we fought in ice silkworm, we did meet a lot of ice filaments. In retrospect, those ice filaments seem to be very similar to the cracks in icicles."
Xia Qingyu quickly said, "It seems to be similar, but little Hao Ge ice silkworm won’t be so much, right? And if it is ice silkworm, it should not escape our gods. "
"Normal ice silkworm is indeed a small number," Sun Hao said. "But don’t forget that there were a lot of mutant ice silkworm when we killed ice silkworm in Wan Gu."
Xia Qingyu stayed for a while "but how can those who spread ice and snow in ice silkworm run here? And even if they come, their concealment ability will not be so strong. "
Sun Hao smiled, "I’ll know if the light rain is them."
Say that finish Corleone wrist a vibration in the hands of a huge crystal.
God’s knowledge into the crystal to find out Sun Hao’s knowledge, I suddenly felt as if I had turned into small red dots scattered all over the Xuan Bing ice, and I saw pieces of white.
Sun Hao issued a "crawl" command to the nearest red dot, but to Sun Hao’s surprise, his command didn’t work so well. The red dot moved slightly, but instead of climbing according to his command, it quickly came to a strong resistance.
Sun Hao’s mind was slightly stunned and quickly scanned the red spot.
Sun Hao found a breathable bubble at a depth of more than 30 feet on the ice, but the bubble was crawling gently.
Observing the gods carefully, Sun Hao found that the bubble in the clue was actually a variation. ice silkworm disguised this variation. ice silkworm was wrapped in a very fine layer of ice silk, which could isolate the Godsworn’s knowledge and make the Godsworn not perceive ice silkworm ice silk.
And one end of the ice filament extends along the bubble direction.
Sun Hao’s knowledge climbed along this ice silk, but he found that the ice silk was cleverly extended through bubbles and climbed into an icicle.
Sun Hao instantly understood that it was ice silkworm who was secretly cheating.

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Jul 8, 2024
Stirrups are an essential tool for modern riding, which are tied to the suspension of the rider’s feet. stirrups were first seen in Nanqi and were widely used after the Tang Dynasty.

Mobile cavalry, which was more flexible in Qin and Han dynasties, gradually replaced chariots. Tang cavalry became the main arms in large-scale battles. It was with powerful cavalry that Tang Dynasty defeated the surrounding nomadic peoples such as East and West Turkistan, Xue Yantuo, Gaochang and Tuguhun in one fell swoop, which created a miracle of agricultural peoples’ large-scale victory over nomadic peoples.
Most stirrups are made of iron to make stirrups stronger and not fall off. The Huns may have made stirrups the first people in Western Europe, and it was only when the Frank Merovin Dynasty perished in the th century.
The biggest function of stirrups is to free the cavalry with both hands, and to control the balance with both feet reliably. In Ma Chong, stabbing, splitting and hitting greatly improve the cavalry’s combat effectiveness and may defeat the Europeans accordingly.
There was a single push in the Western Jin Dynasty and a double push in the 16 countries in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.
But in fact, the stirrups should indeed become the greatest hair of the Huns. In this case, it was very inconvenient for the predecessors to manipulate horses. Once it was difficult to walk on the mountain road, it was difficult for them to exert their strength.
Before riding, the rider must have one less hand on the saddle, even if the arrow is fired, it is difficult to change the pruning, which can make one-handed lance and light lance. Two-handed lances such as knives, hammers and axes can’t make the cavalry in this period dominate in speed, but its combat effectiveness is far less than that of the down-to-earth infantry. When the cavalry arrives at their destination, they often fight.
Adding boots to the stirrups allows riders to get rid of the restrictions of horse opponents, greatly increasing their hands to hold weapons with both hands during riding, and the fighting capacity of bows and arrows is greatly enhanced. At the same time, there is no stirrups in the Central Plains, so the fighting capacity of tarkan is amazing and poses a great threat to the Central Plains.
In addition to war, stirrups are also very obvious. In the era without stirrups, people need to ride on bare horses only by grasping the reins or horse bristles and clamping their legs to keep themselves from falling when the horses are flying, but this way is very unreliable, dangerous and extremely tired.
The cavalry equipment in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was quite complete, and Cao Jun had already equipped stirrups in the Three Kingdoms period. Considering that the Western Jin Dynasty only lasted for two years, although there was no strong unearthed cultural relics, the stirrups in the Three Kingdoms period seemed to be debatable.
However, there is a fact in history that Cao Jun pursued the defeated army for five miles day and night. If there were no stirrups, the cavalry would probably have fallen off halfway and would not have pursued it.
Don’t underestimate the stirrup, a gadget. At any time, western cavalry can fall off when riding a bare-backed horse, instead of being the main force as described in the shadow.
Therefore, China’s history does not lag behind Ma Deng’s envoy, which makes the cavalry’s ability to control horses and fight greatly improved.
At this moment, there was a flood of shouting and killing from the distant hillside.
Cai Huai was frightened to disgrace, and another small school flew over and told him, "Report-General! This is not good! The rear suddenly appeared Zhao troops! Everywhere! Countless! "
"withdraw! Get out! "
Suddenly touching this difficult situation, Cai Huai also panicked and galloped away with the longitudinal horse in the direction of Miannancheng.
Because of the sudden appearance of this big stock, the foot soldiers of Zhao and Jin have become a mess, and the foot soldiers have fled to their own city.
And Shi Min obviously won’t miss this great opportunity.
Jin Jun Zhao Jun here are all Han Chinese and born from the same root, but now they all have their own masters and must fight for each other!
Give these Jin troops water. What? That root is impossible for Shi Min!
Being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself!
Shi Min reined in the reins of Zhu Long, the red horse, so that his front hoof pursed and he hissed. Shi Min waved his weapon with a double-edged spear and pointed to the opposite side, which was fleeing. The Jin army soldiers said coldly, "Kill with me!"
Zhao soldiers who followed Shi Min suddenly howled for a while, and then rushed into the already chaotic Jin army to fight hand to hand.
"Snow snow! ….. "The weapon is twisted with flesh and blood, and the sound is ringing and shaking everyone’s chest.
Shi Min took two-thirds of the soldiers and horses this time, but they just joined the army for half a year. They are well-trained and have a strong fighting capacity, but it is obviously not enough to lack battlefield tempering. Therefore, this time against the Jin army is an excellent opportunity to sharpen!
After that, there will be more serious wars and more severe hard battles waiting for them!
And this kind of bullying is the best way to hone these recruits.
Chapter 3 Mian South War
Shi Min, a commanding general, is also a god of war who is full of improper courage. Naturally, it is impossible to hide behind and command.
Shi Min rode his red horse and Zhu Long held a double-edged spear, then brazenly entered the opposite Jin foot soldiers in a group of pro-Wei Road, and left and right rushed to kill the enemy!
There are three brave men in Shimin’s pro-guard team, one is Hua Rong (Mulan), the other is Wen Tai, and the other is Chen Changsheng. All three of them are extraordinarily brave on the battlefield!
It’s no wonder that when Shi Min choose his pro-guards, he often chooses that most brave and plastic material, and Shi Min cultivate these pro-guards as the backbone of the future Han army!
Unlike a woman, Mulan took the lead with a green-edged sword, and all her five-step enemies were killed.
Blood was red and blood was sprayed on Mulan’s white face, but she was indifferent and didn’t wipe anything, still following Shi Min to kill.
And Wen Tai is more gentle.
Wen Tai is not the kui is a practitioner holding his own square painting halberd, that is, marching into the place far away from Shimin to fight, but all the enemies who are at his side but ten steps are all cut off by the horse. Several Jin army captains were killed by Wen Tai!
And Chen Changsheng?
Chen Changsheng was born in Qiang nationality, and his own bloodiness filled his chest. In this battlefield, Chen Changsheng was like a duck to water, facing the foot soldiers of the Jin army. He killed people without mercy!
What surprised Shi Min even more was that this fellow turned out to be red-eyed when he was fighting!
Hua Mulan followed Shi Min so closely, as if she knew it was the safest and most reliable to be around Shi Min, but perhaps Hua Mulan felt a sense of security around him!
Just then, a captain of the Jin army descended near Mulan.
Mulan was entangled in two or three soldiers of the Jin army, so she couldn’t react at the first time. It happened that Shi Min saw this scene, so she directly flew the Jin army with a spear in the past.
"General …" Seeing that Shi Min saved his life after killing two soldiers of the Jin army again, Mulan couldn’t help lowering her head like a child who had done something wrong.
Shi Min frowned and said, "Be careful when you are on the battlefield."
What Shi Min did not reprimand angrily to this.

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