Nov 12, 2024

1. **增强免疫力**:燕麦和大米都含有丰富的营养成分,如蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,这些都有助于增强人体的免疫力,提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。

2. **补脾清肺**:燕麦和大米都具有补脾清肺的功效,对于调理脾胃、缓解肺部不适有积极作用。

3. **降火消暑**:燕麦大米粥具有清热解火的特性,适合在炎热的夏季食用,有助于消暑降温。

4. **降低胆固醇**:燕麦中含有丰富的亚油酸,能有效降低体内胆固醇的含量,对心血管健康有益。

5. **健脾养胃**:大米富含碳水化合物、维生素等营养,能够健脾养胃,适合作为日常饮食中的健康选择。

6. **清热解毒**:燕麦、大米和绿豆煮粥饮用,可以清热解毒,对于缓解身体内的热毒有一定的帮助。

7. **防止高血压**:燕麦和绿豆中的某些成分有助于调节血压,从而降低高血压的风险。


8. **促进消化吸收**:燕麦和大米均含有膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,促进消化与吸收。

9. **适合婴儿辅食**:大米中含有的碳水化合物和蛋白质含量高,可以作为婴儿的辅食,促进婴儿肠胃的消化与吸收。

10. **抗氧化**:燕麦中含有的维生素、钙、铁、磷、膳食纤维等营养物质,以及多种抗氧化活性成分,有助于延缓衰老。

11. **改善血液循环**:燕麦能够改善血液循环,缓解生活和工作带来的压力。


12. **美白祛斑**:燕麦中的酚类物质和亚油酸等成分,还有美白祛斑的功效。

13. **保护肠胃**:燕麦、大米、绿豆搭配食用,有助于保护肠胃健康。

14. **补充钙、维生素等营养成分**:燕麦、大米、绿豆等食材富含钙、维生素等营养成分,有助于补充日常所需。


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Nov 7, 2024

1. **清热解毒**:点舌丸中的主要成分如西红花、血竭、人工牛黄、熊胆等,都具有清热解毒的作用。这一功效可以用来治疗因热毒引起的各种病症,如口腔溃疡、咽喉肿痛、牙龈肿痛等。

2. **消肿止痛**:点舌丸中含有的成分如红花、乳香、沉香等,能够有效消肿止痛,适用于治疗各种肿毒、疔疮发背、乳痈肿痛等症状。


3. **治疗疮疡初起**:点舌丸对于疮疡初起有很好的治疗效果,包括痈疽、疔疮、疖肿、流痰、流注、瘰疬等。

4. **乳腺疾病**:对于乳腺纤维瘤、慢性囊性乳腺病、乳腺增生等乳腺疾病,点舌丸也有一定的治疗作用。

5. **恶性肿瘤的预防和辅助治疗**:点舌丸具有一定的抗肿瘤作用,可以用于恶性肿瘤的预防和辅助治疗。

6. **甲状腺疾病**:对于甲状腺疾病,点舌丸也有一定的调节作用。

7. **皮肤病治疗**:对于热毒及气滞血瘀引起的皮肤病,如暗疮(粉刺、痤疮、青春痘)、疱疹、色斑等,点舌丸可以起到一定的治疗作用。

8. **其他症状**:对于急性化脓性乳腺炎、慢性咽炎、肺热咳嗽等病症,点舌丸也有一定的缓解作用。


– **孕妇禁用**:点舌丸含有麝香等成分,孕妇服用可能导致流产。


– **运动员慎用**:点舌丸中的一些成分可能会影响运动员的检测结果。

– **按照说明书规定剂量服用**:通常一日两次或三次,具体剂量根据病情和医嘱调整。

– **饮食注意**:治疗期间应避免食用辛辣刺激性食物和发物,多食用水果蔬菜。

– **遵医嘱**:在使用点舌丸之前,请咨询医生,确保其适合您的病情,并在医生的指导下使用。

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Nov 6, 2024

1. **增强免疫力**:灵芝破壁孢子粉能激活巨噬细胞的吞噬功能,提高非特异性免疫功能,从而增强机体对疾病的抵抗能力。

2. **保护肝脏**:具有保护肝脏的作用,能够加速受损肝细胞的修复,对各种肝病有辅助治疗作用。


3. **抗癌作用**:研究证明,灵芝破壁孢子粉具有杀死癌细胞的功效,对多种肿瘤细胞有抑制作用,适合肿瘤放化疗术后的治疗和调理。

4. **调节血糖**:可以改善胰腺的血液循环,提高胰腺的生理功能,从而达到降血糖的效果,改善糖尿病患者的症状。


5. **降血压、降血脂**:具有降血压、降血脂的作用,有助于改善心血管疾病。

6. **改善神经衰弱**:能够改善神经衰弱,提高睡眠质量。

7. **抗氧化、抗衰老**:消除体内的自由基,保护细胞,促进新陈代谢,增强体质,延缓衰老。

8. **改善微循环**:可以改善微循环,清除皮肤色素,提高身体机能。

9. **镇静安神**:具有镇静安神的作用,对失眠、心悸、气短等症状有改善效果。

10. **减轻放化疗副作用**:对于放化疗术后的患者,灵芝破壁孢子粉能减轻恶心、呕吐、疼痛、失眠等消化道反应,加强骨髓保护作用,减轻心肌毒性。


– 对于正在服用抗凝血药物或抗血小板药物的人,最好在使用灵芝破壁孢子粉前咨询医生的意见,以避免药物相互作用。
– 孕妇和哺乳期妇女应慎重使用,因为其功效尚未得到充分研究,可能对胎儿或婴儿产生潜在影响。
– 过敏体质的人在使用前应小心,以免引起过敏反应。


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Oct 30, 2024

1. **补肾生精**:清宫寿桃丸的主要功效之一是补肾生精,通过调理肾脏功能,增强肾脏的生精能力,对因肾虚引起的多种症状有改善作用。

2. **益元强壮**:该药能够益元强壮,增强人体的整体机能,对于身体虚弱、精力不足等症状有显著的治疗效果。

3. **改善肾虚衰老症状**:对于因肾虚衰老引起的头晕、疲倦、记忆力减退、腰膝酸软、耳鸣、耳聋、眼花流泪、夜尿频多、尿有余沥等症状有良好的调节作用。

4. **调节内分泌**:清宫寿桃丸能够调节人体的内分泌系统,对于内分泌失调引起的各种症状有辅助治疗作用。

5. **缓解疲劳**:该药可以缓解因工作、生活压力过大而导致的身体疲劳。


6. **强壮筋骨**:对于筋骨无力、腰痛等症状有治疗作用。

7. **辅助治疗神经衰弱、贫血**:对于神经衰弱、贫血等疾病,清宫寿桃丸可以作为辅助治疗药物。



– **禁忌人群**:阴虚火旺、肾阳虚、感冒患者不宜服用。
– **慢性病者**:高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。
– **饮食禁忌**:服药期间应避免食用油腻食物,不饮酒。
– **孕妇禁用**:孕妇应禁止服用。
– **专业指导**:患者必须在专业中医师辩证、指导下服药,切勿擅自使用。



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Oct 29, 2024

1. **清热解毒与利湿化滞**:淮山薏米排骨汤有助于清热解毒,对于体内湿气重、消化不良等问题有良好的改善作用。


2. **降脂降压**:淮山和薏米都具有一定的降脂降压功效,有助于维持心血管健康。

3. **利尿**:薏米和淮山均能促进尿液排出,有助于排除体内多余水分,对于消肿有一定的帮助。

4. **抗癌作用**:淮山薏米排骨汤中含有的成分可能有助于抑制癌细胞的生长,对预防癌症有一定的作用。


5. **改善胃肠功能**:淮山薏米排骨汤对于改善胃肠功能、减少胃肠疾病的发生有一定的帮助。

6. **增强免疫力与抵抗力**:淮山和排骨中的营养成分能增强人体的免疫力和抵抗力。

7. **改善肌肤,美白皮肤**:薏米和淮山都含有多种维生素和矿物质,有助于保持皮肤光泽细腻,减少皮肤疾病。


8. **祛湿消肿**:薏米具有祛湿消肿的功效,对水肿问题有一定的缓解作用。

9. **促进消化**:淮山含有淀粉酶性物质,有助于促进消化。

10. **补肾养精**:淮山和排骨都有补肾养精的功效,适合肾虚的人群食用。

11. **益肺止咳**:淮山有助于润肺止咳,适合患有呼吸道疾病的人食用。

12. **强身健体**:淮山和排骨中的营养成分有助于增强体质,预防疾病。

13. **降低血糖**:淮山含有粘液蛋白,有助于降低血糖,适合糖尿病患者食用。

14. **缓解疲劳、恢复体力**:对于体力劳动较多的人,淮山薏米排骨汤有助于缓解肌肉酸痛、增进体力。

15. **固肾益精**:对肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、腰腿疼等症状有缓解作用。

16. **健脾养胃**:对于脾胃虚弱引起的恶心、呕吐、食少浮肿、泄泻等症状有改善作用。


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Oct 24, 2024

1. **蛋白质和脂肪**:海白菜富含蛋白质和脂肪,这些营养成分对于增强体质和补充能量都十分有益。

2. **维生素和矿物质**:海白菜含有多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素A、C、E和K,以及钙、铁、镁、锌、硒等,这些都是维持人体健康所必需的。

3. **碘**:海白菜含有大量的碘,碘是合成甲状腺激素的重要成分,有助于维持甲状腺的正常功能,对于预防和治疗甲状腺肿大(俗称“大脖子病”)有积极作用。

4. **抗氧化作用**:海白菜中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如硒和褐藻胶,这些成分有助于抵抗自由基,预防细胞损伤,降低癌症风险。

5. **降血压、降血脂**:海白菜具有降低血压和血脂的作用,适合高血压、高血脂等心血管疾病患者食用。


6. **抗癌作用**:硒元素是海白菜中的抗癌物质之一,可以降低乳腺癌、冠心病等疾病的发病率。

7. **促进消化**:海白菜中的粗纤维可以促进肠壁蠕动,帮助消化,预防便秘,同时也有助于预防矽肺等疾病。

8. **美容养颜**:海白菜汁可用于美容养颜,用海带熬成的汤汁泡澡可以润泽肌肤,使皮肤清爽细滑、光洁美丽。

9. **利尿作用**:海白菜中的甘露醇是一种强效利尿剂,有助于降低颅内压、眼内压,减轻浮肿、脑水肿等症状。

10. **放射性物质排出**:海白菜中的胶质能促使体内的放射性物质随同大便排出体外,减少放射性物质在人体内的积聚,降低放射性疾病的发生率。


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Oct 18, 2024

1. **降血压**:洋葱和红酒都有助于扩张血管,降低血压。对于高血压患者来说,适量饮用洋葱红酒可能有助于血压的稳定。

2. **降血糖**:红酒中的乙醇能刺激胰腺分泌胰岛素,洋葱则能提高血中胰岛素水平,两者结合可以更有效地降低血糖。


3. **缓解眼部疲劳**:对于长时间使用电脑的办公室一族,洋葱红酒有助于缓解眼部疲劳,对改善视力模糊和预防老花眼有一定的帮助。

4. **促进新陈代谢**:洋葱红酒能帮助改善尿液质量,使尿液变得清澈,同时刺激肠胃蠕动,促进消化吸收。

5. **抑制肥胖**:洋葱红酒有助于分解体内脂肪,对于减肥和肥胖人群可能有一定的辅助作用。

6. **美容养颜**:红酒具有抗衰老和美容养颜的功效,而洋葱中的微量元素硒是一种强效的抗氧化剂,可以缓解皮肤衰老。

7. **保护心血管**:红酒中的前列腺素A可以帮助扩张血管,降低血液黏度,对心血管健康有益。


8. **预防骨质疏松**:洋葱红酒可能有助于预防骨质疏松,对中老年人有保护骨骼的作用。

9. **抗菌和消炎**:洋葱具有天然的抗菌和消炎作用,可以增强人体的免疫力。

10. **改善睡眠**:对于失眠患者,洋葱红酒可能有助于改善睡眠质量。


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Jul 12, 2024

Shi Min paused and then said, "Your Majesty, calm down, minister Dong Shi and his wife are deeply in love, and the matter of concubinage is decided by my humble jing."
"Cut the crap!" Shi Hu said with a black face, "I tell you that you have to marry Shi Lan!"
At this moment, Shi Lan suddenly got up beside Shi Min and stared angrily. "Since Wu ‘an Hou intends to marry his daughter, let it go!"! Anyway, it’s not like my daughter can’t get married! Just don’t marry after the big deal! "
"You give me a seat! There is no place for you to speak here! " Shi Hu took a console table and roared, "Shi Lan has turned against you. This marriage event is a matchmaker. Can you decide your parents’ lives by yourself?"
Shi Min couldn’t help sitting up when he looked at Shi Lan’s pale face. "Calm down, your majesty!"
Looked at Shi Hu cold snorted and said, "Spine slave, you must give me a statement today! What’s wrong with my daughter? "
"No than no" Shi Min said with a wry smile "but I have a heart! Dong Shi has been a childhood sweetheart since childhood, and his identity and appearance are naturally incomparable. "
"So I order you to divorce Dong Shi and let me Shi Lan be your wife?"
Shi Min heart jump so fear tunnel "king, you still kill me! If you let me divorce Dong Shi and Dong Shi, you will commit suicide! If Dong Shi dies, I don’t want to live in the world. "
"What a lover!"
Shi Hu scornfully sneered and said, "You almost touched me! But Spiny slave, are you really afraid to kill you? Hmm? !”
Shi Min pestle was silent there.
At this time, I have been watching Yiyang Gong Shijian and saw Shi Min so unappreciative that I got up and yelled at a "spiny slave! How can you be so ignorant? Dong Shi is just a humble Chinese woman like Peter Shi Lan? ! Why don’t you be white when father speaks so highly of you? Don’t be quick to admit your mistake and take a break. Dong Shi married Shi Lan! "
Shi Min smell speech head high was determined to throw a tunnel "king minister would rather die than take off Dong Shi! You can’t abandon your wife! Your Majesty, if you insist on forcing me to divorce my wife, then I am willing to die! "
Hear this Shi Hu couldn’t help stare big eyes binge drinking a "Shi Min! How dare you! How dare you threaten me like this? !”
"dare not"
"I ask you again, why don’t you stop Dong Shi?"
"I only want to die!"
Looking at Shi Min with a face of refusal, Shi Hu immediately became angry and angry. The whole person looked at Shi Min with anger like a man-eating beast.
"hmm? !”
Shi Min Shi Hu eyes looked at each other and never retreated.
Looking at Shi Min being so silly, Shi Jian was very angry.
In Shi Jian’s impression, Shi Min is not such an impulsive person who does things without considering the consequences! Just a Chinese girl, not just a wife!
What a bad wife can’t be abandoned is bullshit in Shi Jian’s view
Don’t Shi Min know that his future will be limited when he marries Princess Shi Lan, the wife of Changping? If Shi Hu became emperor after he ascended the throne, Shi Jian can guarantee that Shi Min and Shi Hu will be able to rise to the top of the world and finally worship the king!
What Shi Min has done is really puzzling.
But the thought of Shi Min being so powerful that he had to rely on him, so Shi Jian had to bite the bullet and come out. "Father, please calm down. It’s not intentional to offend you. He was impulsive …"
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Shi Jian’s words haven’t finished yet, Shi Hu gave a burst of laughter, and the sound was as loud as dragons and tigers.
"good! OK! It’ s worthy of being a slave! "
Shi Hu also said that he usually likes to say that phrase to Shi Min.
Shi Hu looked at Shi Min’s resolute face and nodded with satisfaction and said, "I really didn’t read you wrong. You are good! How many men are trapped in the world like you? You Shi Lan is definitely a good match. "
"The king is ridiculous." Seeing that he bet on Shi Min, he lowered his hand toward Shi Hu.
Shi Hu said with a smile, "Spine slave, it’s commendable that you can stick to your bottom line, be brave and be faithful to your wife Dong Shi! What’s worse, Dong Shi is like this. It’s our two generations! "
"Spine slaves are loyal to me!"
On one side, Yiyang Gong Shijian heard the news and hurried out to make a circle field. "What my father said is that the old Chinese saying goes, cultivate one’s morality, put one’s house in order, govern the country and be peaceful! Now the spiny slave has been self-disciplined and married by the king, and he has been treated by his father and your favor to rule the country! "
Shi Jian This is urging Shi Hu to give Shi Min more strength.
But Shi Hu still smiling "that’s right! Spine slave I don’t force you to take off Dong Shi and marry Shi Lan’s wife, Shi Lan, and then you can make his flat wife. "
"Spine slave is not quick to give thanks?" Shi Jian urged the way
Shi Min got a concession from Shi Hu this time and didn’t dare to refuse. "It’s a great honor for your majesty to marry Princess Changping, but how can Princess Changping be committed to a flat wife?"
Shi Hu nodded when he saw Shi Min softening, and then asked Shi Lan, "What do you think of Shi Lan?"
Smell speech in the mind has always been a chuai chuai uneasy Shi Lan simply can’t resist Shi Hu will so he can nod "daughter is willing to".
Shi Hu smiling tunnel "spine slave next month you are not going to marry a marriage? I don’t think it’s as good as this. yes man, you will marry the two women together! "
"King Xie!" Shi Min immediately thank humbly way
Chapter 5 Secret talk in the account
Shi Min went back to his bedroom account after the banquet dispersed, and he was still able to sleep. When he watched it with the light, he saw Yiyang Gong Shijian sneaking in as if he had a guilty conscience.
Seeing this, Shi Min couldn’t help laughing. "Why did you come to my house and sneak around? Are you so worried about being known? "
"Spine slave, you don’t know."
Shi Jian didn’t mention it at all. He sat cross-legged on the seat opposite Shi Min, then picked up the kettle, poured a glass of water and gulped it down. Then he said, "Now you are the toast of my father, and there are so few famous people in Zhao Guo! I don’t know how many people want to curry favor with you. "
"Although my father didn’t order the Jura clique to win over the civil and military ministers of the DPRK, I only know that he certainly doesn’t like you very much in his heart, especially your spiny slave father, who values you very much now!"
Wen Yan Shi Min squinted and said, "I’m afraid it’s not such a thing to visit the temple late at night?"
"Everything is really from you" Shi Jian took a glance at Shi Min and asked "Spine slave orphan really can’t understand that you don’t want to take off Dong Shi and marry Shi Lan’s wife before brushing your father’s face? I believe that you should know how much benefit it is for you to marry a father and daughter. "
"Temple, you should know that some things can be measured not by interests" Shi Min light way.
Shi Jian smell speech and looked at Shi Min several eyes couldn’t help shaking his head. "I still can’t see through you, but fortunately, you have finished your father’s letter. I believe that in the future, my father will be proclaimed himself a spiny slave, and you will be able to rise to the top and worship the king! When the time comes, I will ask you to bring a lot! "

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Jul 12, 2024
The Three-fold Method of Yanlong may be really difficult for others, but for Sun Hao, who has refined the essence and blood of Yanlong and generated small flames in his heart, the root of this method is that it is tailored to suit his own needs and is very simple, and it has been completed in less than one hour.

A stack of "Three-Stack Method of Yan Long" completes the instantaneous change and regeneration. Sun Hao’s mind, "Five Elements of Wheels and Spirits" sends a message, which makes Sun Hao naturally master and is very conducive to the cultivation of magical auxiliary methods by fire techniques.
God’s tactic?
The original article of Sun Hao’s Five Elements Wheel Spirit Tactics was supposed to be a wheel-soil decision, but I didn’t expect that the wheel-soil decision had not appeared yet, but there was a "God’s Tactics"
If Sun Hao realized something, it seems that there should be different trigger conditions for the five-element wheel spirit formula. If he didn’t practice the fire technique, this "Yi Shen Formula" wouldn’t have appeared. Now he has produced fire in his abdomen, and this "Yi Shen Formula" has reached the trigger conditions and emerged.
What’s so wonderful about "Yi Shen Ji"?
Fortunately, Sun Hao practiced a lot of thoughts, cut off the method of refining the gods and bending things, and made a dichotomy. Otherwise, he really couldn’t be distracted to study this "Yi Shen Ji" at this time.
It is the god of the origin of fire.
The classical records of mainland China show that there was an ancient man who allowed the three ancient emperors to see the sparks generated when rocks collided, which inspired them to drill wood and make a fire, giving birth to the first fire of Terran.
Later generations feel that after a long evolution, the kindness of fire is more than a symbol of peace and prosperity in the name.
This method can name the origin of fire, and even it is not simple.
There are two kinds of auxiliary cultivation effects that do not bear the name of the origin of fire.
At present, the biggest tactic of "drilling wood for fire" and "drilling wood for fire" is the principle of "benefiting wood for fire", and drilling wood for true qi to generate true qi of fire, thus achieving the goal of growing true qi of fire.
Sun Hao feels that to put it bluntly, it’s stealing well, that is, secretly transforming the body wood qi into the fire qi.
Sun Hao practiced the "Three-fold Method of Yan Long" and at the same time, according to the method of "Yi Shen Ji", he urged the small flame to start stealing the true qi of wood.
It’s hard to prevent a thief from pretending to be a big ant and a small flame. Stealing the true qi of the genus Mu in Dantian really made Mudan find that the total amount of true qi of the ten thousand-wheeled ant is decreasing. It feels like a dragon finding that the water in the sea around him is decreasing wildly.
I found that I didn’t take action against Mu Danma. The Ten Thousand Wheels of Mayfly Work started on its own, and the aura of Chinese wood was constantly absorbed by Mu Dan to supplement the true spirit of Chinese wood stolen by small flames.
So it was like this that Sun Hao began to practice two kinds of attributes and two kinds of reiki at the same time.
Of course, because Mu Dan finished volunteering in "Yi Shen Ji", although Mu Dan’s speed of absorbing wood aura is not slow, small flames steal faster.
And Sun Hao’s body fire attribute qi accumulation speed is far beyond imagination. Sun Hao’s unusual perception is that there is a strong and excellent spirit root of skyfire, and there is a strong absorption of small flames. At this time, Mu Dan is also added to absorb and transform the fire aura. There is no boundary bottleneck in the original. Sun Hao’s practice of "Three Layers of Yanlong" has extraordinary entry.
After practicing for more than a month, several powerful factors combined with Sun Hao’s "Three-fold Method of Yanlong", the second stack suddenly became a symbol that Sun Haohuo belonged to the true qi cultivation, reached the late stage of gas refining and began the third stack cultivation.
At this time, Sun Hao found that the shape of the small flame in his abdomen changed. In Sun Hao’s heart, the front small flame fell at the dragon horn of the dragon spirit root. However, this dragon horn showed Sun Hao how the senses looked at it at that time. It was awkward because the dragon horn was actually a one-horned fork. At this time, when Sun Hao practiced the dragon three times to two times, the small flame appeared bifurcated, shaped like antlers. If you go back to the heart and stay at the faucet this time, it would be a real dragon horn.
Since it’s not difficult for Yan Long to practice three times, Sun Hao is even more energetic and does not relax. Think about it. If you can finish three times, you won’t become Brother dzogchen who refined gas.
However, Sun Haomei’s good wish has not been fulfilled.
Sun Hao found that the second stack of "Three Stacks of Yan Long" could never steal the true spirit of Muzhu after practicing to a certain extent. Although the speed of cultivation is not slow, it seems that this speed has returned to normal and can not be promoted rapidly again.
At this time, there is not much difference between the true qi of Yan Long San Die and the true qi of Wan Wan Mayfly.
When the small flame commander-in-chief of the fire genus Qi chased the total amount of the wood genus Qi head-on, the protection object of the five-element wheel spirit tactic became the wood genus Qi, and the wood genus Qi was disguised, and the small flame lost its drilling target and the cultivation speed naturally became normal.
In this way, Sun Haohuo’s true qi cultivation also reached the middle stage of gas refining, and when the cultivation speed returned to normal, Sun Hao had to practice two kinds of achievement methods at the same time and advance at the same time.
Sun Hao’s body, wood, true qi, fire and true qi seem to have suffered a lot after practicing, but Sun Hao found that wood, true qi, was calcined with small flames to steal the purity, and was actually exercised and promoted again.
Chapter sixty-seven God read knowledge
You can’t practice sword cutting without a good sword.
Take out the red body of the sword, as if there is a flame circulating. Sun Hao can’t help thinking of Yu Kunlong and sigh and touch the body. "Fire spirit, fire spirit, then you can follow me …"
Extremely multiplier and spiritual, but it’s already closer to the aura fire spirit sword. The body seems to understand half of it, and the red light of the body seems to respond to Sun Hao.
I have experience in refining instruments, and Yu Kunlong has fallen. Sun Haohua, the master of the Fire Spirit Sword, spent two hours killing the brand of the Fire Spirit Sword Yu Kunlong and refining this pole instrument.
After that, I thought that the fire spirit sword was the symbol of Yu Kunlong. On many occasions, it was not suitable for Sun Hao to take out a flying sword with less common features and refining equipment.
Sun Hao also specially made a trip to Xieyuefang City, listened to the development of Zhulinyuan, explained some things and asked about the collection of a refined jet intermittent Dan medicine.
The second-class elixir of Jet Intermittent Dan is the elixir that young Lao found and gave to Sun Hao to help Tong Li reconnect his broken arm.
Tong Li’s broken arm can be kept immortal for three years after the secret technique of youth and old age. Sun Hao managed to get jet intermittent Dan, so Tong Li’s broken arm could be reconnected.
Qing Lao didn’t find this magic prescription, but he consulted a lot of information and found the materials needed to refine the magic prescription.
Before closing early, Sun Hao had handed over the medicinal materials for collecting jet intermittent Dan to Zhulinyuan Xiaowan, knowing that this was the medicinal materials needed by Tong Li’s arm extension. In a few months, it was naturally quite gratifying, and there were also some effects. Refining jet intermittent Dan required a total of 12 of the ten flavors of Lingcao, and the friar Chang Xiaowan collected them together.
However, among the six-flavor second-class lingcao, Zhulinyuan only received the five-flavor lingcao, but it didn’t end up trying to find another way. Sun Haozao had expected that he would completely complete the cultivation in the near future before trying to find a way.

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Jul 11, 2024
This shouting and killing broke through the sky, and even those people who were watching from one side couldn’t help but be silenced. At this moment, the crowd became quiet because Shi Min wanted to engage in this more than a dozen Zhao pawn military methods.

Shi Min added, "Do you know what military orders they have violated me? I have ordered it more than once! Make repeated demands on the soldiers! Order you not to kill the koo and rape the woman! You moved the people from those places, but how did they do it? "
"To my military orders part! Their hands are stained with the blood of the ancient people! They raped Gu Liang’s daughter! These are all things I can’t stand! It is also unbearable for our Han army military law! "
Speaking of which, Shi Min scanned the platform for more than a dozen Zhao pawn figures. "I know that there are still many rapists among you who have not been found out! Thirteen of them were unlucky and I caught them red-handed! I would never, bending the law! But those of you who have done such a thing don’t have to be lucky! "
Shi Min head high way "now I count to ten! Have done rape * * killing people here or an insider, come out immediately! Otherwise! I found out that I didn’t admit that my crimes were all beheaded, and those who knew it and didn’t report it were guilty of the same crime! "
Shi Min’s words immediately caused an uproar when they appeared on the scene.
You should know that the military system of Jie Zhao is a mixture of Hu Han.
Five men, five men, ten captains, ten men, ten captains, fifty men, one song, one capital, one canal, a centurion, five hundred men, one captain, five thousand captains, one army, ten thousand generals (miscellaneous generals) and ten thousand generals or commanders.
Now Shi Min is so cruel to implicate Koo?
Uh, well, it’s actually nothing. After all, you must know what a comrade-in-arms Wu did, because in wartime, a comrade-in-arms Wu rarely divided his base, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and he would be inseparable.
And it is a sin not to report it!
Shi Min haven’t points but narrowing her eyes, "men! I know most of you are good, but there are a few soldiers who are like animals! Those who have committed adultery and murdered women and those who know better come out at once! Don’t take any chances. Every time you retreat to camp, it is recorded! Come out if you are a hero! "
"one!" Shi Min turned around and the horse shouted.
"two!" The Zhao phalanx is in chaos.
"three!" A Zhao pawn came out dejectedly.
"four!" Three or four Zhao pawns shrugged their heads like frost and eggplant, and when they reached that high table, they dared not look up, which was obviously a shame.
"five!" More Zhao pawn came out.
"six!" The original was still in the heart, and Zhao pawn was frightened and collapsed. They bit their teeth and finally went out.
At this time, there is no movement in the Zhao phalanx, as if all the criminals have run out.
Hesitated for a few Zhao pawn immediately pushed his comrades around him out. Who knows that Zhao pawn also wanted to resist? Immediately, several Shi Min pro-guards came and pressed him to the ground and could not move.
More Zhao pawn was pushed out.
It’s better for you to die alone than for everyone else, right? They don’t want to be buried with a devil wears prada!
When Shi Min shouted ten times, he turned around and then saw the crowded scene of the high platform.
How many of these women who have committed adultery and killed Zhao Zhao?
Not less than one hundred! That’s terrible!
Shi Min sink a way "good! Now that you have generously admitted your crimes, you dare to come out and say that you are a Han! You still have a little conscience! But admitting mistakes does not mean that you will be forgiven! If you can be forgiven if you admit your mistake, won’t all murderers be punished? "
"Department beheaded!"
Suddenly, a group of Zhao pawns jumped on those Zhao pawns who had made a big mistake and were ready to split their necks with swords.
"Wait a minute!"
Suddenly a Zhao pawn heart has struggled up unwilling to call way
Shi Min said I frowned. "What do you have to say? !”
"general! I don’t! I am not reconciled! "
"say it!"
The Zhao pawn shouted discontentedly, "General, I know that it is culpable of punishment for us to be beheaded by military law for violating your military orders! But the law doesn’t blame everyone. How can you kill several Jin people and rape several Jin women and then kill us? !”
Smell speech Shi Min couldn’t help laughing at a "law does not blame the public in my here no matter! Don’t say it’s a hundred of you, even a thousand soldiers! I’ll kill it, too! The dignity of military law is inviolable! "
The Zhao pawn shouted again.
"We are all generals. You fought bloody battles on the battlefield! We are meritorious people! And now the country is an interpersonal general. Is it really worthwhile for you to kill us all like this? "
"Is! General, how many soldiers will be chilling if you do this! "
"We killed just a few mobs! It’s just adultery with several Jin women! Must be so severely punished? !”
"general! We don’t! Look at the soldiers of other ministries. They raped and plundered evil in Hanshui area. What they do is much more wicked than us! If you have a bad heart, you will kill and vent your anger! They raped more women! Take the girl and be roasted to eat! No one is not raped! "
A listen to this Shi Min immediately furious tunnel "that’s enough! Other ministries are other ministries. I don’t care! But you are my Shimin department! They are not as good as Hu Lu. Are you not as good as people? Are you even worse than dogs? !”
Shi Min’s binge drinking really freaked out those chatterboxes who still want to argue about Zhao’s death.
Shi Min surly drink a way "ask yourself a! Which one of you has no parents, wife and children? There is no family? What would you think if one day a gang of robbers rushed into your house and raped, robbed and killed your father, son and brother and raped your mother, wife, daughter and sister? What will happen to you? "
"Don’t tell me what this is the victor! You don’t deserve soldiers since you killed unarmed civilians! Since you raped a woman, you are not worthy of a person! People’s hearts are long! "
"Do you want to rape and plunder evil like other ministries Zhao? If so, get out of here! I don’t need such soldiers! They do this, and you learn to do it. Do you still have to learn to eat shit when they eat shit? !”
Smell speech those who were pinned Zhao pawn are silent with their heads down.
Suddenly, a bloody Zhao pawn held his head high and said, "Kill and kill!" Have a good time! Men are afraid of death? Come on! However, after ten years, Bowl Scar is always a hero! "
I appreciate this Zhao Zushi Min.
However, appreciation belongs to appreciation of the killing or killing. It’s not while I’m right. Shi Min, with a wave of his hand, immediately raised more than 100 executioners’ hands and chopped them with a shiny sword!
"Shua" a Zhao pawn has his head on the ground, but there is a Zhao pawn, but his neck is bleeding like a note.
Obviously, the sword that cut his head was too blunt and not sharp enough, or the neck bone of Zhao pawn was too hard to cut.
But one sword can’t kill him. No, there’s a second sword on his head
And this head rolling scene, Zhao soldiers couldn’t help lowering their heads, and some sadness raised a sense of used rabbit and used rabbit in their hearts.
And Shi Min face the same.
Yu has been watching the people all the time, but he wants to clap his hands and applaud, but he dare not look at his heart and call him happy!

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